My new address:
4212 Duren
2624 Whitis Avenue
Austin, TX
The traffic was pretty heavy near UT on the main move-in day.
Here's a video of my room:
Here are a few pictures of Duren.
Main entrance/front:
We got me a bike at Target, which has already come in handy. It took a while to tie it to the roof of the minivan.
Here are the Duren bike racks:
This bike is awesome:
I worked out my legs at Gregory Gym today. The weight room had a ton of people in it:
The gym is really nice, and offers a lot of things to do there.
Dedicated cardio room (there are a bunch of cardio machines in the weight room with built-in TVs)
Raquetball courts
Rockclimbing wall
It has a really good aquatic complex too, but I have yet to check it out.
Oh, and of course I had to take this picture:
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